Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Masjid Besi

Posted by hizrat azmir

no. 1
| f/6.3 | 4sec | ISO-400 | 18mm |

no. 2
| f/3.5 | 2.5sec | ISO-200 | 18mm |

experimenting with ISO, aperture, and shutter speed..which result is better, no 1 or 2? off course both still not good enough haha..to much noises, isn't it?

*cam biasa, your critics and comments are much appreciated...kerana Komenmu begitu berHarge! :D


adirussman said...

takda beza sngt...aku tngk sama bagus je...hehehe...

hizrat azmir said...

adi: hehe, sifoo asik men seppp ja..saya mesti pilih! salah satu sahaja.... haha...anyway tq sifoo...

* tgu komen dr sifoo yg len.. :D

fery said...

hehehe i laik pic 1....

pic 2 over expose...


Anonymous said...

pic 2 nampak unik sebab nmpak awan mlm as background.. l0ok nice!!

fit said...

no 1 ok lagi..agak sharp..
good effort..

MK said...

nice.. cuba exposure lama lagi 30".. F22 .. nanti lampu2 akan jd bentuk bintang... insyallah

hizrat azmir said...

baik MK.. tripod lom beli pong :P

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